




Maintaining quality and cultural value of Japanese traditional theatrical stage tools

Two core traditional Japanese performing arts, Nohgaku and Kabuki are listed as World Cultural Heritages. Although much of the delicacy and impact of these performances depends on the skill of the actors, a large part is also based on the various traditional and finely made props, costumes, musical instruments and so on, which we will group under the term “stage tools”. The long history of Japanese theatre has produced highly skilled artists and technicians, capable of creating extremely high quality stage tools. However, these skills are now being lost as young Japanese turn to more modern careers, partly because these crafts pay relatively poorly compared to other jobs and partly simply as young people tend to follow more modern trends. The risk is that, with the loss of these traditional craft skills, the quality of the stage tools used in traditional performances will be hugely reduced. To maintain the high quality of Nohgaku and Kabuki, some way must be found to encourage potential new craftsmen and women to become interested in these traditional arts. The cultural value of these skills should be far higher than they are at present, and we need to ensure that the artists can make a better living than is presently the case. We wish to link the world of high stage tool craftsmanship to that of the general public, by an information campaign.









  1. 1.製作現場の調査とその資料分析:道具類の技術継承の実体を「見える化」するための調査を行う。
  2. 2.資料化:調査内容を、だれにでもわかるような「資料」として文書化する。




Maintain the high quality of the skills and crafts necessary for creating the stage tools used in the Japanese traditional performing arts.


Establish a network to preserve the skills and crafts of stage tool-making, using traditional materials, in the Japanese traditional theatre world;
Create a new model of apprenticeship in the skills necessary for the creation of traditional stage tools through investigation and analysis;
A national and international information campaign on the cultural need to maintain the quality of Japanese traditional theatre through ensuring that the skills needed for stage tool-making are passed on through the generations.


[Investigation and analysis in the world of traditional stage tool craftsmanship]
This activity is focused on the workshops where the stage tools are produced by traditional craftsmen and women.

  1. 1. Observe stage tool production at the workshops and investigate how the skills in transforming the materials into beautiful art objects are acquired and passed on;
  2. 2. Report on the observations and conclusions in a way that is easily understood by the general public.

[Action aimed at the public]

This activity is focused on traditional art production and the general public.

  1. 3. Restoration of stage tool-making techniques where stage tool-making techniques have been lost, and examination on how these can be restored;
  2. 4. Transparency of investigation methods: all interviewees and stakeholders will be kept informed, in writing, of all meth ods, expected results, and documented conclusions;
  3. 5. Wide distribution of information: a website allows the investigation process and the results to be available to the public;
  4. 6. Skilled crafts and techniques are passed on:
    Encourage young people, both nationally and internationally, to become professional stage tool-making craftsmen and women through lectures, workshops, and recruiting announcements.

助成実績:公益財団法人トヨタ財団「2011年度 研究助成プログラム(個人奨励)」(2年間)




  • 伝統芸能の舞台で演じる「俳優」
  • 伝統芸能の舞台を道具や技術で支える「裏方・職人」
  • 伝統芸能を楽しむ観客、日本文化に関心をもつ「世界中の人々」
  • 「伝統芸能の道具ラボ」



制作年 :2012年






  •  →CSRや社内研修(文化研修)など協働できそうな機会がありましたら、ぜひお声掛けください。
  •  →商品を販売されている企業の方へ:売上げの一部を寄付する「寄付つき商品」のご検討をお願いします。


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